
Everything about Digital Smile Design

A new concept for dentistry

Digital smile design (DSD) is a complex protocol used for restorative and cosmetic dentistry. It is a modern way to not only plan but also visualize the result. DSD allows the dentist to plan the dental rehabilitation and present the makeover to the patient before actually beginning the treatment.

Your perfect smile is designed to fit you: your personality, the way you talk, the way you laugh and considering your other face features like the lips or cheekbones. Digital smile design breaks the barriers of traditional dental implants. The dentist will look at you and your unique features. Moreover, you will also be able to see how the result will look before the dentist begins to work.

What DSD does

The DSD concept is based on knowing the patient: analyzing the unique facial features and proportions is important when making a smile design. This is why the dentist will use digital drawings and teeth impressions in order to prepare a complete digital simulation for the patient. This way, patient satisfaction is guaranteed.

DSD specialist uses quality digital images, photographs and video in order to create a complex image of the future dental reconstruction. The dentist will communicate effectively with the patient, making sure that the patient understands and approved every stage of the treatment. The benefits of such a detailed analysis and preparation also include cost advatages: you will know exactly what the procedures will be and what they will cost.

Improved aesthetic dental treatments

Digital smile design is used by dentists and dental technicians worldwide. DSD programs and courses are needed to obtain accreditation for using this technique. Our dentists in Bucharest are accredited to use DSD for clinical and laboratory purposes.  

Patients who are interested in dental tourism in Romania should know that our dentists and our dental technicians make use of the latest technologies in the field. We love to see you smile! Contact our dentists in Bucharest for detailed information and prices for our services.